Hackerott, C. S., Provencio, A. L., & Santos-Hernandez, J. M. (2021). Access and Inclusion in Emergency Management Online Education: Challenges Exposed by the COVID-19 Pivot. Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management.
Provencio, A.L. (2019). Gender and representative bureaucracy: A qualitative look at opportunities and barriers for women in local emergency management agencies In F. Rivera (Ed.), Emerging voices in natural hazards research (pp. 285-302). Butterworth-Heinemann.
Provencio, A.L. Emergency management in Oklahoma: Interagency relationships in times of disaster In Oklahoma Government and Politics: An Introduction (7th Edition). Kendall Hunt Publishing.
Provencio, A.L & Padgham, S. Policymaking through the lens of climate change: Ethical, economic, and political perspectives In Oklahoma Government and Politics: An Introduction (7th Edition). Kendall Hunt Publishing.
For conference presentations and panels, see CV.